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» » » » » Unique grave of Roman-era warlord found in Czech Republic

A unique grave of a second century warlord has been found in the south-east Moravian town of Uhersky Brod. Aside from human remains, the grave’s contents include a bronze pot and ladle, as well as a bronze knife. It is the first discovery of this kind from the Roman period in the region, the Czech News Agency reports.

Unique grave of Roman-era warlord found in Czech Republic
Grave of Roman-era warlord, early 2nd century AD, found in southern Czech Republic 
[Credit: Tomas Chrastek]
According to the head of the Archaeology Department at the Museum of Moravian Slovakia Tomas Chrastek the grave was found by chance when, during the construction of a rainwater sewer, a worker spotted a bronze object amidst the soil in the bucket of his excavator .

Construction work was halted as archaeologists from the museum examined the object and identified it as a bronze pan, and a matching bronze ladle from the Roman period.

Unique grave of Roman-era warlord found in Czech Republic
Close-up view of the skeleton [Credit: Tomas Chrastek]
Unique grave of Roman-era warlord found in Czech Republic
Bronze ladle and pan, broken ceramic vessel left
[Credit: Tomas Chrastek]

Unique grave of Roman-era warlord found in Czech Republic
Bronze knife excavated [Credit: Tomas Chrastek]
According to Mr. Chrastek the subsequent excavation revealed the grave of a wealthy man, almost certainly a warlord.

Bronze spurs were found at his feet and four bronze buckles that once fastened his robe. A larger bronze buckle from his belt was found at his waist, as were a bronze knife with a decorated handle and a bone brooch.

The archaeologist notes that the grave goods were expensive imports from the Roman Empire.

Source: Radio Prague [September 13, 2019]

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