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» » » » Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey

Archaeologists have unearthed remains of the memorial tomb of Azanos, one of three sons of Arkas and the nymph Erato, legendary ancestors of the Phrygians, and founder of the ancient city of Aizanoi in western Turkey.

Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey
Credit: AA
Zerrin Erdinç, deputy head of the excavation team, told Anadolu Agency that the excavations being conducted in the region since 2011 have unearthed many historical links.

Archaeologists maintain that the area added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2012, has revealed settlements dating as far back as 3000 BC.

Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey
Credit: AA
“During our previous researches, we predicted that there could be a tomb here. We were carrying excavations around Agoras or ancient city centres. We have found traces of a monumental tomb,” said Erdinç.

She said the excavations were expanded when steps and blocks usually kept around tombs were found. Mostly tomb of the founder of the city is placed in the Agoras.

Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey
Credit: AA
“The location and nature of tomb that we call heroon, makes us to believe that it belongs to Azan, the founder of the city,” she said. A heroon is a tomb or a temple in an Agora, surrounded by galleries.

Erdinç, who is also an academic at Dumlupınar University in Kütahya, said that excavators have also discovered a route from Aizanoi's Agora leading to the Temple of Zeus.

Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey
Credit: AA
“After passing through the Agora, there is a route that leads to the Temple of Zeus through a colossal gate,” she said.

The Temple of Zeus was the first of the magnificent structures built in Aizanoi's city centre on the west bank of the Penkalas river (now known as Kocaçay).

Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey
Credit: AA
Erdinç said that excavations in the Agora started for the first time this year led to the discovery of important ancient historical links.

During the Hellenistic period the city changed hands between the Kingdom of Pergamum and the Kingdom of Bithynia, before being bequeathed to Rome by the former in 133 BC. Its monumental buildings date from the early Empire to the 3rd century. It became a Christian bishopric at an early stage but fell into decline after the 7th century.

Memorial tomb unearthed in ancient Greek city of Aizanoi in western Turkey
Credit: AA
The flat area around the Temple of Zeus was transformed into a fortress in the medieval period and was used as a base by the Cavdar Tatars in the 13th century. It was discovered by European travellers in 1824.

Excavations carried out by the German Archaeological Institute from 1970-2011, excavated various ancient structures, including the Temple of Zeus, 20,000-people capacity theatre, 13,500-people capacity stadium and two baths.

Source: Anadolu Agency [August 29, 2019]

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